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Welia Health Updates its Visitor Guidelines


After deciding to close its facilities to visitors earlier this year, Welia Health has announced a change to its visitor guidelines.

"Early in March, Welia Health made a difficult decision to restrict visitors to our hospital and clinic facilities. This was done to reduce the likelihood of transmission of COVID-19 to other patients and staff," the health care provider wrote in a press release.

Visitors are now allowed within Welia Health clinics, hospital, birthing center, emergency departments, and other ancillary services, this includes:

  • One visitor, 18 years and older, will be allowed for any adult patient.

  • Two legal guardians / parents will be permitted for each child.

  • Compassionate visit exceptions are made in unique situations, such as end-of-life or sudden decline in medical condition/stability, or if there is a consultation with the clinical team.

  • If the patient you are visiting is experiencing any respiratory type symptoms, they will not be able to have visitors.

Screeners will be stationed at the main entrances of the Mora, Hinckley, and Pine City locations to check visitor temperatures and ask several health-related questions. Visitors will need to sign in and be issued a badge. Welia also asks visitors to head directly to the patient's room.

Masks are required upon entering any Welia facility, including the patients room. One will be provided if a visitor doesn't have one with them.

In addition to in-person visiting, Welia Health highly encourages the utilization of FaceTime, phone calls, and other methods to communicate with your loved one.

The above picture was taken from the Welia Health Facebook page.


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