Here's a Dragon trap shooting update from George Johnson from this past Sunday!
Pine City High School Trap Team Top Guns
Six Dragon sharpshooters ended the season on the coveted varsity level, which
requires an average of 19 targets hit out of 25. Senior Tyer Mohr lead the team with an
average of 20.1. Another senior, Gavin Broz averaged 20, as did junior Nate Burns.
Talen Reitan ended his season on a high note. The junior averaged 19.2. Junior Ryan
Carl and freshman Austin Gariepy rounded out the varsity shooters averaging 19 hits.
All of the varsity level shooters have been on the team since 7 th grade.
Qualifying for junior varsity requires an average between 14 and 18.9. A total of 22
athletes reached that level for the 2024 season, led by freshman Evan Benolken
with17.9. Close behind were sophomore Darien Hall with 17.6 and senior Brody Tayerle
with 17.38. Junior Bryer Berube averaged 17.3, and senior Brady Johnson rounded out
the Dragon’s top guns with 17.25. Macie Babolik, a junior, led female shooters with a
15.8 average followed by sophomore Emma Altmann with 12.63. A total of 38 trap
shooters were at the novice level.
The team’s final tune up for the June 17 state tournament appearance was held on
June 9. Thirty-eight athletes will compete in Class 8A at the level they averaged at the
end of the season. At Sunday’s practice, some of the shooters reflected on their
season. Tyler Mohr said he most enjoyed shooting with friends, and he also
commented on how the coaches were so helpful in getting him to such a high level.
Gavin Broz said he had fun shooting over the last five years. He said, “Everyone should
give it a try. It doesn’t matter if you know how to shoot trap or not. You can learn.”
Brody Tayerle said the secret of his success is to keep calm and shoot for the orange.
He added, “But not when you’re deer hunting.” Austin Gariepy, who qualified as a
varsity shooter this year, said he likes the competition and the good coaching. He also
said that trap shooting is great preparation for the hunting season. Broodie Poorker
stated he just enjoys shooting, especially when the weather is nice. Gage Carroll’s
highlight of the season was winning the Annie Oakley shootout on Fun Day. And one
shooter, who will remain anonymous for obvious reason, said he loved coming to trap
because it got him out of chores.
Considering the harsh conditions at the beginning of the season with the snow, sleet,
rain, cold temperatures, and strong winds, coaches were very pleased with the athletes’
improvement throughout the season. Having so many underclassmen shooting at a
high level portends a good future for the team.
