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Southbound Highway 65 near Isanti to Close Wednesday Night

Joe Keyport

Motorists traveling on Highway 65 between the City of Isanti and East Bethel should expect delays as the southbound lanes will be closed while crews repair a failing pipe beneath the roadway.

The southbound lanes will first be reduced to a single lane from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. then closed completely overnight.

In a press release, MnDOT says, "motorists should follow the signed detour along County Road 56/261st Avenue NE, County Road 73/University Avenue and County Road 24/237th Avenue, or plan their own alternate route."

The detour will add an extra three miles to your commute.

The closure will begin on Wednesday, June 19 at 7 p.m. and continue overnight until 5 a.m. June, 20th.

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