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Daniel Appel

New Rush City Clinic Model Could Start Trend for Rural Healthcare

Ever since the Rush City Fairview Clinic announced they’d be closing, community members have fought to keep their localized healthcare.

In response, the clinic is announcing a new model that would not feature doctors on site, but rather digital consultation. The model's location isn't set in stone, but will likely be part of the current pharmacy. Rush City resident Jason Oare, who has organized community meetings on the topic, said the new model might be the future.

“It's the way of the future. I think that's the way rural medicine is going, and I think we have an opportunity to make it work for us."

A community meeting is being held with Fairview leaders to discuss the new model.

“They (Rush City residents) should come out to the community meeting to not only show their support for local healthcare, but also to get some answers, questions, and concerns met from the people that are actually making these decisions from Fairview," said Oare.

That meeting is Tuesday, April 24th at 6:30 PM at the Rush City High School auditorium.

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